Review of Return To Bodie

Excerpt: Careful attention to historic detail makes this novel a great read for anyone who is drawn to stories based on real places or events. It is only through this lens of the past that Phoebe can re-evaluate her plans for the future. Sometimes it takes coming home to find your true destiny.”

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A Trip Home Turns Into a Surprising Adventure in “Return to Bodie”

Barnes & Noble: Beneath the Chestnut Tree

Eve Taylor

4.0 out of 5 stars

A Very Nice Read

I found this to be a most readable book where the author leads your thoughts to those of the characters'. It begins with a mysterious scene already in action. The book relies on this type of alternating events in time already in progress to slowly spin the story while we form and reform conclusions given each new piece of information. It becomes clear what we hope for but never allows us to assume we will have our way. Like the community in which this story takes place, the author makes you part of the community. It is in that sense that the book leads one to realize that there is a definite outcome that we come to wish for. The author however allows us to teeter on the brink of dashed hopes until the very end of the book. It has the feel of a movie where we become emotionally attached to the characters. We know from past history that they will in the end prevail but until the credits begin rolling, we are hopelessly on edge fearing the worst. The author attains the very essence of a good story; suspension of disbelief.

Rita Bok

5.0 out of 5 stars


This is a wonderfully light, refreshing tale and has just enough intrigue to keep you guessing as to what will happen next. The characters will make you smile, frown, squirm in frustration and applaud their bravery. It is nice to read a book that gives you a sense of peace.